Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

2PM's NICHKHUN Involved In Drunk Driving Accident

Earlier today, 2PM’s Nichkhun was caught driving under the influence of alcohol.

On July 24 at 3:30AM KST, Nichkhun was involved in a car accident in Gangnam. It’s been reported that the singer had been under the influence of alcohol when he crashed into a motorcycle. His BAC measured at 0.056%, and his license has been suspended. Nichkhun had been on his way to his dormitory after having two glasses of beer with his fellow JYP labelmates following a rehearsal.

One witness explained, “The victim was on the ground, and blood was flowing from his head. The ambulance came, and he was sent to Seoul Kunkuk University Hospital’s emergency room.” Local media “The Herald Biz” reported that this witness accompanied the victim to the hospital. The witness continued, “He couldn’t use turn his waist and felt tremendous pain on his shoulders...

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However, according to the Gangnam Police Station, no one was seriously injured, and both completed their insurance protocols following the incident. After investigations, Nichkhun has headed home.

JYP Entertainment’s official statement read, “Around 2:30AM, Nichkhun attended a dinner with artists from our agency , following a rehearsal. They ate dinner and had a light drink, about two glasses of beer. Afterwards, Nichkhun was driving back to his dorm, which is located on the same block as the restaurant where we had our dinner, when he was involved in an accident with a motorcycle at the Hakdong intersection. Both Nichkhun and our company were careless, and we would like to sincerely apologize.”

[헤럴드경제=고승희 기자] 아이돌그룹 2PM의 멤버 닉쿤이 음주운전 사고로 경찰에 불구속 입건된 가운데 현재 피해자는 심한 통증을 호소하고 있는 것으로 확인됐다.

닉쿤은 24일 오전 2시30분께 공연연습 이후 식사자리에서 맥주 2잔을 마신 뒤 귀가하던 중 서울 강남구 학동사거리 인근 이면도로에서 오토바이와 접촉사고를 냈다. 사고 당시 닉쿤의 음주측정결과는 0.056%, 이에 닉쿤은 면허정지 처분을 받고 경찰 조사에 임했다.

당시 현장에 있었던 제보자는 사고가 벌어진 당시의 상황에 대해 “현장에서는 피해자가 쓰러져 머리에 피를 흘리고 있었다”고 설명하며 “사고 직후 119 구급대에 실려 서울 건국대학교병원 응급실에 갔다”고 헤럴드경제에 알렸다.

피해자와 병원에 동승한 이 제보자에 따르면 현재 피해자는 “허리를 못 쓸 정도이고 어깨에 심한 통증을 호소하고 있는 상황”이다.

사건을 조사 중인 강남경찰서에 따르면 닉쿤과 오토바이 운전자는 사고 피해 보험처리를 하기로 했으며, 이에 닉쿤은 사고 직후 간단한 조사를 마친 뒤 귀가조치된 상태다.

닉쿤의 음주운전 사고와 관련 JYP엔터테인먼트는 24일 오전 “본인은 물론 회사도 부주의로 잘못된 일임을 사과드린다. 향후 필요한 조사가 있으면 성실히 임하도록 하겠다”고 사과했다.

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